MartinaStella: “Con Lapo siamo più che amici, quell’amore non va disperso”


«This is the greatest gift life can offer.
No man or career compares: your child is yours, forever».
Martina Stella is referring to Ginevra, her daughter born eight months ago with partner Gabriele Gregorini, whom she met a year earlier on the set of Tutti pazzi per amore 3. In an interview with Vanity Fair – on stands from July 3 – she reflects on her post-birth months and discusses her relationship with Lapo Elkann.   She returned to work soon after becoming a mother. «I went back to the set once weaning began, and only for two significant projects. Both for cinema and, amusingly, both roles involved young mothers. In “Dimmi di sì” (a dramatic film shot in February, with Giancarlo Giannini, ndr) I play the wife of a wrongfully imprisoned man, and in “Sapore di te” I fall for Giorgio Pasotti, marry him, but face a crisis after our child is born because my attention shifts». This is a common experience for many couples. And for you? «I related to some of the character’s worries. I’m a bit old-fashioned, very protective. At night, I always sleep with the baby: if she wakes up, I want her to see me, not someone else». Having a newborn in the room isn’t ideal for a couple’s life. «But she sleeps well, she’s good. And love isn’t confined to the bedroom. There’s the living room, the kitchen… Initially after birth, there was no desire, but that’s normal. Then everything returned naturally. A partner needs to be understanding and patient. But afterward, it’s even more beautiful». What kind of father is Gabriele?
«Really great, despite being very young. Stronger than I thought: I realized this in the delivery room and during key decisions. He has helped me moderate my tone now that we have a child. Our relationship has always been a bit fiery». Why do you argue? «We both have strong personalities and speak our minds». Is he jealous? «A bit, especially about the past, because I maintain great relationships with all my exes». Great relationships even with those who left you? «Actually, I left them all. But it’s still hard to rebuild a relationship; I’ve worked on it a lot. For me, it’s unthinkable to completely cut off people I’ve loved: they are part of my story, it would be like cutting off a piece of myself». Are you friends with Lapo? «Of course. He and the others are more than friends, they’re people I’ve loved, and that love can’t be lost: if one of us has a problem, we’re always there for each other. Lapo has even met Ginevra». Given the traumatic circumstances of your separation – the overdose, the scandal – who would have thought? «We had already broken up; that incident wasn’t the cause of our split. The reasons were more common, the kind young couples usually face. Rebuilding the relationship meant clarifying certain things and asking for forgiveness for others». No regrets about how it ended? «None. But it was important for me to rebuild the relationship». Lapo hasn’t yet found emotional stability. Why do you think that is? «That’s his private life, but Lapo is still young. I’m sure he will have children one day». Do you plan to get married? «Yes, because I believe in romantic love and I want it to be forever. I would also love to have more children with Gabriele. But in a few years».

Iaphet Elli

Iaphet Elli, blogger, ho partecipato come editor a ExpoMilano2015.
Collaboro con diversi uffici stampa di città Italiane ,Stati Europei e Mondiali.

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