Bachtrack announced Classical music statistics 2015: What’s new and what’s interesting‏

Victory for Beethoven’s 5th – for immediate release

    Beethoven’s 5th Symphony – the Victory symphony as it is sometimes known – knocks Handel’s Messiah from the top position as most performed classical work in the world.

    Up the Nordics: The anniversary effect worked for Sibelius, (150) who enters the top ten performed composers for the first time, Nielsen (also 150) fared less well.
    The Swedes are looking to the future while the Germans and Austrians remain firmly stuck in the Romantic era.

    80 years old and still rising in popularity: Estonian Arvo Pärt celebrated his birthday with a sixth year as most performed living composer, now at no.33 and ahead of Bruckner, Berlioz and Nielsen.

    The top 3 busiest orchestras are all in the USA. The world’s busiest orchestra title stays in the USA but is taken this year by Chicago Symphony Orchestra
    Have you heard of Kristiina Poska? She is the busiest female conductor, one of only four to make it into the 2015 table of the busiest 100.

    Verdi’s La traviata takes the top spot for most-performed opera, with Italian opera dominating the top ten

    The Royal Opera is the world’s busiest opera company, with 212 performances listed in our database

    The Nutcracker was the world’s most performed ballet in 2015, clocking up 412 performances

    Jonathan McPhee was the busiest conductor, narrowly beating Sir Simon Rattle and Valery Gergiev

The Chicago Symphony Orchestra was the busiest orchestra in the world’s concert halls:

Jonathan McPhee was the world’s busiest conductor. Click here for his bio.

Kriistina Poska, conductor at Komische Oper, Berlin, was the highest placed female conductor.

Opera statistics are dominated by the Italians, with La traviata clocking up over 400 performances alone. The Royal Opera is the world’s busiest opera company.

In the world of dance, Tchaikovsky rules, with five of the most performed ten ballets flowing from his pen. The Ballet de l’Opéra de Paris was the busiest dance company, while The Nutcracker was the most performed ballet in the world!, launched in December 2007 by Alison and David Karlin, is the largest classical concert finder online and listed 28,000 concert, opera and dance events for 2015. In addition to listings, we are one of the most prolific classical review outlets online, publishing 2300 reviews last year.

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