14day walking and driving in Taita Taveta County Event Monday, July 20th 2015


Day 1 – Nairobi – Voi – 360kms & 200 from Mombasa
Voi is a cosmopolitan town considering it lies on the major highway – Nairobi/Mombasa
Monday, July 20th . 2015
7.00am – Depart Nairobi in your own transport and drive to Voi with a toilet stop in Mtito
Andei.. Lunch on this day will be on own arrangement.
13.00hrs – Those from Mombasa depart and all at different timings at Biashara Centre situated
at the Red Elephant building which is some few meters from Caltex on Nairobi-Mombasa
Highway. It is from this centre that you shall be given briefing and direction to your facility. On
arrival at your facility it will be in time to freshen up
19.00hrs – Dinner is served at your facility. Thereafter you are free to drive to Galaxy Resort for
local entertainment and relaxation. (Galaxy resort also has a swimming pool and a disco area).
Cultural entertainment and local talent from around will be on going throughout the evening.
Drinks throughout the trip will be on own arrangement.
Those who wish to explore Voi by night, there a few night spots in Voi. The recommended ones
are Xtacy Night Club and Fine Breeze Restaurant and Disco.
Day 2 – VOI –MAUNGU – 33kms – MAUNGU-BUGUTA – 20kms
Tuesday, July 21st . 2015
3.00am – The group comprising of 200 visitors from Kilifi County departs from Malindi.
On arrival in Buguta village, tea for sale will be served.
7.30am- Visitors from Nairobi & Mombasa – Breakfast in Voi in your respective facilities.
9.00am – Thereafter all to assemble at Galaxy Resort for briefing and guidance.
9.30am – Depart Voi in you vehicles and drive to Maungu and on to Buguta village. Here you
will connect with group from Kilifi County. This is where the peace-walk will be flagged off.
Those staying at Voi Wildlife lodge & Ngutuni to carry picnic lunch boxes.
Dr. Hassan Wario, CS Culture, Heritage & Sports who will be accompanied by The
Governor of Taita Taveta Hon. John Mruttu, CeC Tourism & Wildlife Hon. Alex Mwangeka
and CeC Culture & Heritage Hon. Flora Mtuweta and all elected leaders from Taita Taveta
County will be present. There will be few speeches to address all participants and thereafter CS
Dr. Hassan Wario together with the governor will flag off the Peace Walk. The CS Dr. Hassan
Wario will be accompanied by the Director General of National Museums of Kenya (NMK)
Mr. Mzalendo Kibunja, The Chairman and also the CEO of Sports Kenya among many other
dignitaries. The walk will be to Rukanga which will take 2-3hrs (approximately 18kms) to walk
comfortably. Along the way you will enjoy the beautiful scenery of the Kasighau Hill which has
deep forest and inside the forest on the Eastern side of Kasighau lies British Fort, gun
encampments which are 5ft high and trenches which are 1meters deep. These are untapped
battlefield sites that were used during WW1 in 1914-1918. During the WW1 Kasighau villagers
were hard hit as were moved by the British from their village and relocated in Mombasa and
Malindi in inhumane manner. Many died on the way and were forced to walk long distance
without food and water. This village has to date remained scarcely populated and hardly
13.00hrs – Arrive in Rukanga village in time for local/traditional lunch that will be served by the
local trained women. Afternoon there will be different cultural activities from this ward.
15.00hrs – Few speeches by local leaders
Note: Those spending in Voi and cannot make for early morning Kasighau hill hike can do
a guided hike this afternoon (this can be arranged on request in advance)
19.00hrs – Dinner is served in Rukanga.
19.30hrs – During and after dinner more local entertainment around bonfire in Rukanga will
continue throughout the night till wee hours of the morning for locals to celebrate and enjoy.
Visitors in homestays in Kasighau are free to join in.
Note: 18.00hrs Visitors with own private transport and not spending in homestays in Kasighau
to drive back to Voi town for overnight in their respective facilities e.g. homestay/hotels/lodges –
71kms away. Next day they can join the rest of the group in Sagalla as per the itinerary.
Sagalla population:
Wednesday, July 22nd . 2015
06.00am – Walk up for those wanting to go climb Kasighau hill.
06.30am – All to assemble at Jora village. Those interested in history can take this opportunity
to take a guided walk up Kasighau Hill to view Jora British Fort and other battlefield sites which
still stands intact. On the way up the hill you will come across Jora Cup marks, these are cuplike
depressions on rocks that are situated at a house compound belonging to Hammerton Mwekesi,
these are termed as rock art and could be about 8000yrs old.
On the foot and neck of Kasighau hill still stands a village called Mwangondi with pottery
showing a sign of former settlement. This is the only site showing proper cupules.
08.00am – Those in Voi homestay and hotels/lodges to have breakfast leisurely and thereafter
you will assemble at Petro Petrol Station at 10.00am on Nairobi-Mombasa Highway to be given
guidance. Those staying at Voi Wildlife Lodge & Ngutuni to carry picnic lunch boxes
09.00am– Local breakfast for sale is served at Jora shopping centre for those not in homestay or
hotel/lodge facilities.
10.00am – Those in Jora in Kasighau to get into their vehicles and drive towards Sagalla Ward.
On the way, you will see The Standard Gauge Railway being constructed. Time permitting you
will be shown the first one storey building in the County where our 1st President Kenyatta was
once or twice hosted by its wealthy owner Mzee Mwenda. For those interested, this house can be
viewed next day.
11.00am- Alight your vehicles at Gimba Primary School where you will connect with the group
from Voi and start walking up the Sagalla hill following the footsteps of Rev. Wray. Sagalla
village is 18kms away. As you climb up the hill, the scenic view is breathtaking and the walk is
very refreshing. Sagalla population came to be from a mixture of Kamba/Tanzanians from Pare
hills and Wambisha (Ethiopians from Ebisinia).
Walk to Wray Museum for cultural lunch that will be prepared by local trained women.
15.00hrs – Few speeches by local leaders
Local entertainment and talent from this ward to continue throughout the late afternoon up to late
in the night by the campfire.
19.00 hrs.- Local dinner by local women of Kasighau will be served for those spending the
night in Kasighau.
Note: Sagalla to Voi is a 20kms away visitor with own private transport can drive back to Voi
town for overnight. Next morning they can drive back to Sagalla for the walk of Sagalla hill.
Sagalla Ward lies at a Latitude 03° 30′ S and Longitude 038˚ 34΄ E. Sagalla rests on a hill
where Wray Church was built by Rev. Joseph Wray in 1900. Sagalla is the home for the first
inland church by the Church Missionary Society (CMS) centre that was established in 1883.
The Old St. Mark Church measuring 60×40 ft. is a unique structure that was built mainly of iron
sheets and wood and still stands to date. This old church building was turned into a community
museum in 2006 after a new church was constructed nearby. Rev. Wray was a missionary who
landed in Sagalla alone in 1883. He returned to UK in 1895 where he went and married and
returned with his wife in 1897. Rev. Wray brought Christianity to the local community,
introduced health care services and education. He was also an advisor to the British government.
He wrote the 1st Sagalla/English dictionary which is still used to date. He translated the bible,
prayer and song book from English to Sagalla. He had a son called Arthur Wray but was given a
local name Mwakichuchu after a local elder who was a good friend to Rev. Wray. There is a
local High School which is named after his son.
There is also a Primary School named after the Rev. Called Wray Primary School. Rev. Wray
returned back to England in 1912 but his extended family still visit Sagalla occasionally.
Thursday, July 23rd, 2015
06.30am – Those in Voi homestay and hotels/lodges to have breakfast and thereafter drive back
to Sagalla to join the rest of the team for a walking tour of Sagalla hill..
07.00 am-Those who spent in Sagalla, local breakfasts is served at Wray Museum.
08.00am – Whole group to assemble outside Wray Museum.
08.30am – Group departs for a nature trail walk through Sagalla forest, the forest is well
preserved covers the hilly part of Sagalla and when you get to the peak there is scenic view of
the county and its environs. On a clear day, one is able to See the Usambara and Mt.
Kilimanjaro, Malindi, Tsavo East & West can also be viewed from this peak. Then descend
down to Goe hill those who are fit can climb the Goe Rock for scenic view. Then slowly
continue walking down hill to Wray museum where local lunch will be served followed by some
local entertainment as people start walking down to Gimba Primary School and from here people
will board vehicles to Voi town for check in to various hotels/lodges/homestay..
Note: Those with own vehicles are free to drive down to Voi after lunch at Wray Museum.
19.00hrs – Dinner is served at your facility. Thereafter you are free to drive to Galaxy Resort
for local entertainment and relaxation. (Galaxy resort also has a swimming pool and a disco
area). Cultural entertainment and local talent from around will be on going throughout the
evening. Drinks throughout the trip will be on own arrangement.
Those who wish to explore Voi by night, there a few night spots in Voi. The recommended ones
are Xtacy Night Club and Fine Breeze Restaurant and Disco.
Day 5 – VOI – TAVETA – 109kms
Taveta is a cosmopolitan town with a mixture of Taveta/Taita/Kamba and Kikuyu/Somali/Luo &
Luhyas & some Chaggas as well.
Friday, July 24th , 2015
07.00am – Breakfast is served in homestays, hotels & lodges
08.00am – Assemble at Galaxy hotel.
09.00am – Depart and drive to Taveta Sub-county, through Mwatate, Bura town and those
staying in hotel/lodges will have to check-in at Sarova Taita Hills Lodge & Saltlick for the rest
of the day. The rest to proceed driving through Tsavo West National Park to Mwakitau, then past
Salaita hills to Taveta town. Those staying to Grogans and Voyager Ziwani will also branch off
to their respective lodges for the rest of the day. They will have lunch and relax in their facilities.
Dinner and overnight in their respective lodges.
For those staying in homestay arrive at Danida Hall for a sumptuous local lunch. (Some key
officials to pay a courtesy call to the DC of Taveta Sub-County). Local Entertainment & local
talents from this Sub-county will be on going on arrival, during lunch and after lunch in Danida
Hall till evening. All visitors will be allocated to homestays as there are very limited hotel
facilities in this sub-county. Dinner will be in your various facilities.
20.00hrs – There will be entertainment by a famous local artiste from Taita who has never
performed in Taveta and he will do so this evening. His name is Freshley Mwamburi famously
known for his tune “Stella Wangu”. There will be little entrance charges for those who wish to
Saturday, July 25th, 2015
06,30am – Those who overnighted in lodges to have breakfast in their respective lodges.
Thereafter depart with your picnic lunch boxes and drive to Taveta. All to assemble at
Darajani at 8.00am where you will be met by your guides. From here you will be divided
depending on your interest to visit the historic & Heritage sites or Agri Tourism or Cultural sites
or Geographical site which is Lake Challa.
07.00am – Breakfast in various homestay facilities in Taveta.
08.00am – Homestay group to assemble at DC grounds where you will be met by your guides.
From here you will be divided depending on your interest to visit the historic & Heritage sites or
Agri Tourism or Cultural sites or Geographical site which is Lake Challa
Taveta is a border town, bordering Kenya & Tanzania. It takes 1hr to get to Moshi town from
Taveta border and 2.5hours to get to Arusha by road. Saturday being a big market day in Taveta,
many business men & women come from various parts of Kenya and lots from Tanzania flock to
do business in this market. Those interested to do shopping can create time to do so but beware
of your valuables.
There will be guided peace walk tour to:
1. The Historic & Heritage (battlefieds) sites(Walking 10kms)
Or and
2. Agri-Tourism sites(Walking 10kms return)
Or and
3. Cultural Tourism sites (Walking 10kms return )
Or and
4. Geographical sites(drive to Lake Chala 16kms away one way)
13.00hrs – After the different tours, all will assemble at the Danida Hall where local lunch will
be served. (DJ will be playing local music while people are having lunch. Thereafter people will
walk to the DC‟s grounds to continue with cultural entertainment and local talents.
15.00hrs – Few speeches by the local leaders.
Thereafter local entertainment and talents to continue through the afternoon till late in the
17.00hrs – Those in lodges are free to drive back to their respective facility for dinner and
18.00hrs – Those in homestay are free to return to their facility for dinner and overnight.
20.00hrs – Freshley will again perform in Taveta this night till late at a fee.
Day 7 – TAVETA – MWAKITAU 55kms – MWATATE – 34kms
Sunday, July 26th 2015
Mwakitau Population:
07.00am –Those who slept in Taveta including those in Grogans Castle and Voyager Ziwani
Luxury Tented Camp to have breakfast in their respective facilities.
8.00am– Those from Taveta, Grogans Castle and Voyager Ziwani check out depart from
your various facilities in Taveta and drive towards Salaita hills. (the clients from Grogans &
Ziwani to move & overnight in hotels in Voi tonight)
9.30am – Those from Taveta, Grogans Castle and Voyager Ziwani will be given a brief
history by guides about what took place during the WW1 around and on Salaita hill.
8.00am – Those who slept at Sarova Hills Lodge and Saltlick to have breakfast and thereafter
they will receive a WW1 Presentation and thereafter shown around the WW1 Museum within
Taita Hills Lodge.
11.00am – Those from Salaita proceed to Mwakitau.
11.00am – The group at Sarova Taita Hills & Saltlick to depart with picnic lunch boxes,
(They should not to check-out of their rooms as they will be spending this night in the
same lodge). Arrive in Mwakitau and meet with the group from Taveta.
12.00am – On arrival all will be met by local entertainment.
12.30hrs – Lunch will be served for those from Taveta.
13.00hrs – There will be few speeches by local leaders
14.00hts – Local entertainment and talents continues as visitors go for various s sight sightseeing
sports all related to the 1st World War.
The area has a rich military history that shaped the socio-economic life of the communities in the
entire Mwakitau – Taveta region. The region has three main hills, namely Mwakitau Hill,
Ngolani Hill and Cherege Hill. According to oral information, military activities were
concentrated around Mwakitau and Cherege Hills; Ngolani Hill which is regarded as a ritual site
was untouched by the war.
16.00hrs – After sight-seeing, board the vehicles and proceed to Mwatate using Msorongo road,
time permitting you will have brief stops to view the breathtaking sight of Vuria Hill the highest
hill in Taita and Coast Region which stands at 2220meters above sea level. Thereafter proceed
to Mwatate and Voi for check-into homestays and lodges. Those who spent at Taita Hills &
Saltlick to remain there for another night. Dinner and overnight in their respective homestays,
hotels & lodges.
Those who wish to explore Voi by night, there a few night spots in Voi. The recommended ones
are Xtacy Night Club and Fine Breeze Restaurant and Disco.
Note: In Mwatate those spending in special accommodation, local dinner will be prepared by the
trained local women. There will be traditional dancers throughout the evening. Overnight in
NB: Those who wish to explore Mwatate we recommend Club Montana.
Monday, July 27th 2015
7.00am – Breakfast will be served at your respective facilities both in Mwatate, Sarova hotels &
Voi respectively. (Those from Sarova hotels to check out and move to hotels in Voi for check-in)
8.00am – Mwatate group to all assemble at CDF HALL Mwatate and there will be few speeches
by local leaders.
10.00am – In Mwatate, entertainment to continue as group depart and drive to Voi Caltex.
10.00am – Those in Voi to assemble at Caltex area to relax as they are waiting the convoy from
Mwatate. Those from Voi Wildlife lodge/Ngutuni only to carry their lunch boxes.
10.30am – The group from Mwatate and Voi to reunite at Caltex and proceed to Ikanga and on
to Ghazi.
11.30hrs – Arrive at Kirombo Cultural Centre where the cultural centre will be officially
opened by local leaders. Few speeches by local leaders will be made.
13.00hrs – Lunch will be served amidst lots of Cultural entertainment and local talent from the
15.00hrs – This afternoon there will be interesting activities taking place around the centre.
There is a shopping centre called Kinyangenyi historical site in Ghazi, Mbololo, Taita. Its
bushy area with some big trees in a valley area Ficus Sycomorus (Mkuyu) stands at the point
where the market stood with a surrounding bush.
Many years ago the Taita community used to come to this indigenous market place from far and
wide came to trade among themselves. A lady by the name Priscilla is one of those who
witnessed barter trading at Kinyangenyi. She says she used to assist her mum during trade, she
was then aged of 5 or 6 years old. Priscilla is approximately 90 years old but still strong and of
good memory. There is a lone baobab tree (Adansonia digitata) about 5m from the road to Ghazi
that was used as a shrine in rainmaking ritual. The Tree about 20m high and 10ft circumference.
Only honey from a beehive in this baobab was used for the rainmaking. Very little honey was
used and this honey was not eaten by anybody at any other time. The tree remains sacred to this
day among the Taita community
Naamini hill is a gentle rock/hill standing close to the Mwakajo Bridge. This was a Rock where
villagers used to keep their livestock for protection. The villagers had maximum trust that no one
would dare go towards the Naamini rock hence its name which means I trust. This gentle rock
makes the place also good as a point for picnics and view point. Thereafter proceed to
Maramunyi (this is where people from Abyssinia in Ethiopia who are coming to settle in Taita
were struck by lighting and all perished and the site still remains bear without any vegetation and
it looks like hell‟s kitchen.
17.00hrs – Those who spend in Voi either in hotels/lodges or homestay to return back to their
respective facilities in Voi for dinner and overnight. Those who had spent at Sarova Taita Hills
& Saltlick to be re-booked in Voi. The rest will be accommodated in homestays in Ghazi
Mbololo and some will spend at Kirombo Cultural Centre.
19,00hrs – Those left in Mbololo homestay and at the Kirombo Cultural Centre village will be
served with local dinner in their respective facility where they shall spend the night. There will
be more cultural entertainment from this ward will be showcased throughout this night by the
Day 9 – GHAZI TO FUNJU- 15kms
Tuesday, July 28th 2015
7.00am – Breakfast will be served in respective facilities where people spent their nights
including Kirombo Cultural Centre in Ghazi, Mbololo
8.00am– Those who spent in Voi will slowly start joining the rest of the group at the
Kinyangenyi Cultural Centre in Mbololo. Those from Voi Wildlife Lodge & Ngutuni only to
carry with them their lunch boxes.
Note: Those overnighting in Voi to keep your room as you will be required to travel back to Voi
after the day‟s activity.
8.30am – Groups from Voi and those in Ghazi to assemble at Kirombo Culture Centre.
9.00am – Depart and walk through the hills and valleys of Mbololo to Funju. Along the way
enjoy the breathtaking scenery that you cannot find anywhere else in Kenya.
13.00hrs – Local lunch is served by the local women around in Funju village. Cultural
entertainment from this ward will be performed on arrival, during and after lunch.
15.00hrs – There will be few speeches by the area local leaders
Thereafter more cultural dancers and local entertainment will fill the air as you freely interact
with the local community and enjoy the scenic sight of Funju which you cannot find anywhere
Funju is a very scenic area and its called “Ngorongoro Crater of Taita”. While standing at the top
of Funju hill and facing Voi one can see clearly Tsavo West on the left and Tsavo East National
Park on the right. This area is good for hill climbing and rock sporting activities and good for
eco-tourism. In Funju there are three steep hills with a mysterious cave called Mnyengelonyi
Cave in Wumingu about 10m across, on a steep hillside. Surrounded by bush and other rock
outcrops. There are two boat like-structures made of wood and with small sticks about an inch
long pinned at the edges. Informants claim the structures were used as stretchers for carrying the
sick to the cave. The site was formerly for separating people with infectious diseases like small
pox from the rest of the community members to avoid the spread of the epidemic.
After small pox was put under control through the use of vaccination, it is rumored some
witchdoctors used it as their hideout for their clandestine activities like excavating the buried
dead and storing them in the cave for the purpose only known to themselves. Presently there are
two wooden stretchers in that cave which act as proof to the above made claims. These are place
that can be visited with the guidance of a guide.
17.30hrs – Those in their own vehicles will return back to Voi to their respective
accommodation for dinner and overnight.
19.00hrs – Those spending in homestay and other special facilities in Funju to have dinner in
their respective facility. Since this area is chilly at night, Jackets and pullovers are required .
Visitors will retire early to bed as the weather especially in July is very cold.
Day 10 – FUNJU TO WERUGA – 10kms
Wednesday, July 29th 2015
7.30am – Those in Voi to have breakfast in your respective facility.
8.30am – Those at Lion Hills Lodge, Impala Safari Lodge and Shasha Camp & Kore and
wish to move to Wundanyi if rooms available you can check out and move to Wundanyi at
either Rocks hotel or Lavender otherwise do not check out of your rooms in Voi as you will
return back after today‟s activities in Werugha. Those at Voi Wildlife Lodge & Ngutuni to
carry your picnic lunch boxes.
9.00am – Voi group to all assemble at Petro Petrol Station where you will be briefed by your
guide/s and led to Werugha through Mwatate and Wundanyi. There will be a brief stop at Josa
view point to appreciate the scenic site. The group from Voi through Wundanyi to take guided
hike of Wesu hill. Those who have carried their picnic lunch boxes can have their lunch at the
campsite at Wesu hill.
9.00am – The group from Funju to walk through Agro tourism sites of Taita, breathtaking
landscape good for photograph and nature and village walks to Werugha CDF Hall.
13.00hrs – Arrival at the CDF Hall where you will be met by exciting cultural dancers. Local
lunch by local women from this ward will be served as local entertainers from this constituency
will be performing.
15.00hrs – Few speeches by the local leaders. Thereafter visitors will spend the rest of the day
interacting with the local community. (Visiting of Ngangao forest will be at your own cost)
Walking and visiting the very fertile area where lots of vegetables is cultivated and harvested by
the local community of this area in Werugha advisable.
17.00hrs – Those from Voi to return back to Voi and those booked at Lavender, Rocks hotel,
Irido hotel and homestays will all check in for dinner and overnight
18.30hrs – Since this area is chilly in the evening and at night there shall be little activity this
Day 11 – WERUGHA TO MWANDA – 20kms
Thursday, July 30th 2015
7.00am – Breakfast is served in your respective facilities in Werugha and Wundanyi
7.30am – Those in Voi to have breakfast in your respective facility.
8.30am – Those at Lion Hills Lodge, Impala Safari Lodge and Shasha Camp & Kore and
wish to move to Wundanyi if rooms available you can check out and move to Wundanyi at
either Rocks hotel or Lavender otherwise do not check out of your rooms in Voi as you will
return back after today‟s activities in Werugha. Those at Voi Wildlife Lodge/Ngutuni to carry
your picnic lunch boxes and keep their rooms.
9.00am – Voi group to all assemble at Petro Petrol Station where you will be briefed by your
guide/s and led to Mwanda through Mwatate and Wundanyi. There will be a brief stop at Josa
view point to appreciate the scenic site.
8.30am – The group that spent the night in Wundanyi to all assemble at CDF Hall in Werugha
where more cultural dances will be filling the air. The group spending in Wundanyi both in
hotels and homestay not to check out as will return back after the day‟s activity.
9.00am –Group from Wundanyi & Werugha to walk while enjoying Agro tourism sceneries,
landscape photographing, nature and village walks and cave exploration.
Mwanda is home for Vuria Hill the highest hill in Taita and Coast region that stands at
2220meters tall. Those fit enough can walk up and down the hill if time allows. Mwanda is also
home to Mwangeka Cave that can accommodate up-to 500people at a go. This is the biggest
Cave rock in Taita that was used as a hiding place by Chief Mwangeka and his fighters against
the British soldiers during the WW1.
Historic Values: Mwangeka who was known to be very intelligent led the Taitas in fighting the
British soldiers who had invaded the Taita Villages.
As a result the British soldiers would destroy houses when they did not find anyone in the
village. During one of the nights when the British wanted to invade the Taitas, it rained hard, it
also became too cold and red ants invaded hence the Taitas had to move to Ngerenyi which to
date is very fertile and a lot of vegetables come from this area. Mwangeka was killed during the
war by the British.
13.00hrs – Voi, Wundanyi & Werugha to connect here for local lunch (except those with picnic
lunches) by local women from this ward will be served as local entertainers and local talent
from this constituency will be performing. All this will be happening by Mwangeka Cave.
15.00hrs – Few speeches by the local leaders from the area. Followed by viewing of
Mwangeka Cave. Some will have a chance to have a guided climb of Vuria hill if time allows.
18.30hrs – Since this area is chilly in the evening and at night, people will have their dinner in
their respective facilities and overnight. This will be a special night for those daring as can sleep
inside Mwangeka cave which is still very well preserved by the local community.
Friday, July 31st 2015
7.00am – Breakfast is served in your respective facilities,
8.30am – The group that spent in Mwanda to assemble by the Mwangeka Cave. Entertainment
will be on going.
9.00am –Group to walk descending to Wundanyi and on a flat land you will board your vehicles
and drive down to Wundanyi town the group will pay a courtesy call to the area DC office in
Wundanyi. From there you will do a majestic walk to the home of THE HERO ZEPHANIA
located. Full entertainment will be in full gear as this walk is made.
The group from Voi & Wundanyi and other parts of the county will join in. Those from Voi
Wildlife Lodge/Ngutuni/Taita Hills Lodge/Saltlick to come with their picnic lunch boxes.
Kenyatta Caves Lies a few kilometers from Wundanyi at a farm belonging to Zephania Nyambu.
Physical Description
Three massive rock outcrops with shelters/caves close to a valley overlooking a cliff.
Surrounding area used for agriculture.
Historic Value
Caves known locally as Kino caves or Kenyatta caves. Caves said to have been used during the
freedom fighting in East Africa and frequented by Jomo Kenyatta when he was hiding from the
The caves are 3 in number, the first is where Kenyatta and his Kenyan colleagues used to meet
and plan for the Kenyan independence. The meeting was called „Njama‟ a Swahili name for the
word strategy. In this first cave was strictly Kenyan business.
The second cave was where the late President Jomo Kenyatta used to meet with the late
President Julius Nyerere to plan for the overthrow of the colonial governments in Kenya and
They used to meet with colleagues who made history in the independence of Kenya during the
height of MAU MAU crackdown in 1948-1952. These were :-
1) Julius Nyerere – the late president of Tanzania
2) Jaramogi Oginga Odinga
3) James Gichuru
4) Achieng Oneko
5) Paul Ngei
6) Bildad Kaggia
7) Zephania Nyambu Mwakio ( Coast coordinator and host)
8) Ronald Ngala
9) Dawson Mwanyumba
10) Pio Gama Pinto
11) Dedan Kimathi
12) Kung‟u Karumba and others
At the Kino caves they met five times together with Julius Nyere and Oscar Kambona and it is
said that during the meetings they slaughtered five cows. Nyerere and Kenyatta were very close
friends such that they could spend a whole month at the caves planning independence strategies.
A witchdoctor by the name of Mwashaia Mkamba (Mwakishalua) used supernatural powers to
look into issues on how best to tackle the issue of toppling the colonial government. He used to
do his business with the use of goat intestines.
On top of the first cave was where Kenyatta used to enjoy sundowner. The area is flat and very
safe and comfortable.
The 3rd cave was a kitchen where Mr. Nyambu‟s wife mama Sylvia Manga Mwakio cooked for
Kenyatta and his guests. Mr. Nyambu‟s wife died peacefully of old age this year early morning
of Thursday, January, 29th 2015 at the age of 108yrs. Mama Sylvia had her memory and eye
sight intact till the end.
The three caves are situated on a 14 acre piece of land and they are well preserved and taken care
of by Mr. Charles Mlekenyi who is Mr. Nyambu‟s son who is already blessed with
13.00hrs – Local lunch by local women from this ward will be served as local entertainers from
this constituency will be performing. This day will be the highlight of the event as all visitors
will be paying tribute to the 2 unsung heroes by visiting their two graves that are well preserved.
When Mama Sylvia passed on , President Uhuru himself sent money to have the two graves
made beautifully as a sign of appreciation of what the two hero and heroine did for this nation of
Kenya during the struggle of fighting for Kenyan independence.
15.00hrs – Local leaders from this area will give speeches. Thereafter local entertainment and a
lot of eating and celebrating life of the two the whole evening and whole night.
18.00hrs People will be spending nights in their respective facilities around Voi/Wundanyi and
its environs.
20.00hrs – This night in Wundanyi town, there will be entertainment by a famous local artiste
who will perform. There will be little entrance charges for those who wish to attend.
Saturday, August 1st 2015
7.00am – Local breakfast is served in respective facilities.
9.00am – Everyone to will assemble at Dawson Mwanyumba Stadium in Wundanyi for Full day
activities full of entertainment at the stadium. Final program for this day will be advised nearer
the time.
The group from Voi & Wundanyi and other parts of the county will join in.
Those from Voi Wildlife Lodge/Ngutuni/Taita Hills Lodge/Saltlick to come with their
picnic lunch boxes.
Dinner and overnight will be at respective facilities. Those with own transport can drive back to
Voi to their respective hotels and lodges or other facilities within the county.
Those who will remain in Wundanyi, evening entertainment will be in place – Venue TBA
7.00am – Breakfast is served at various facilities
8.00am – Everyone departs at leisure from Wundanyi /Voi/Sarova Hotels etc
End of program!


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