Strictly Come Dancing: Denise Van Outen Syndicated Interview

Why did you decide to go on the tour?

I know a few people who’ve done it before, like Chris Parker and Julian Clary, who told me it’s absolutely brilliant fun. Robbie Savage said it feels like the prize that you get after weeks of working hard on the show. You get to do it all again, without the competitive element. If you don’t get the glitterball, you get to do this instead. Also, the show is so high-pressure in front of the TV cameras, that it will be nice to just go out and dance and feel a bit more relaxed. The hardest part of the show for me has been learning the dances, so without that element, it will just be about dancing and enjoying myself. And when am I going to get the chance to perform in front of that many people again? I’m not in a pop group! I’m used to much smaller theatres. I got such a buzz being at Wembley, so hopefully that’s what this will be like.

Are you looking forward to spending time with the other celebrities on tour?

I’m planning to bring my daughter, Betsy, to some of the dates. Michael Vaughan has a daughter the same age—two and a half—so we’ve decided to coordinate and bring them on the same dates so we can all hang out. On the other days, I might let my hair down a bit, definitely.

Is Betsy very proud of you?

Yes, although she’s a bit too young to fully understand it, she loves the sequins, glitter, and dresses. We had a kids’ day where we were allowed to bring our children to watch us—they’re not normally allowed in the studio—and when I came on, she said really loudly, “That’s my mummy!”

Are there any dates you’re particularly looking forward to on tour?

Being from Essex, the London dates are quite exciting for me. I’ve already performed at Wembley with the show, and now we get to do the O2 on the other side of London, which will be fantastic! I’ve attended many concerts there, and performing in front of such a large audience is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, so I can’t wait.

What impact has the dancing had on your body?

I popped a rib out just before the final, and having that put back in was quite painful. I also got ‘jive whiplash,’ and my knees are always cut and bruised. There are general aches and pains every week, especially towards the weekend.

I have toned up significantly. I think I’ve lost weight, but I’m not sure how much. I always lose weight when I’m working. We eat a lot, but you’re burning so much energy that it just falls off.

Which celebrity would you like to see doing Strictly next year?

I know who I’d love to see, and I even asked him if he’d be up for it. I think David Walliams would be amazing, and he’d look fantastic in ballroom tails because he’s tall and slim. However, he said he’s too lazy!

Have you been surprised to learn about any celebrity fans?

Yes, Kylie Minogue tweeted that she was voting for me and James [Jordan], which was amazing!

I was very excited when I saw that.

Will you stay in touch with James?

Yes, definitely. I’ve become really good friends with him and his wife, Ola.

I haven’t had the chance for us all to go out for dinner with my husband, Lee, yet, but I’m sure we will in the New Year.

What plans do you have after the tour?

I’d quite like to have a rest, to be honest! I want to spend some family time and just be a mummy. I’m doing a one-woman show with a limited London run, which will be fun. I’ve been offered three shows that involve dancing, opportunities I wouldn’t have gotten before doing Strictly because I never used to get dancing parts. There’s one I definitely can’t do because it coincides with the tour, but I’m considering the other two, so we’ll see.


Strictly Come Dancing UK Tour comes to Wembley Arena on 5th and 6th February 2013. Tickets available from and or by calling the Wembley Arena box office on 0844 815 0815

Iaphet Elli

Iaphet Elli, blogger, ho partecipato come editor a ExpoMilano2015.
Collaboro con diversi uffici stampa di città Italiane ,Stati Europei e Mondiali.

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