Number One Corte Franca (Bs): 20/12 Tujamo + Ema Stokholma, Andrea Delogu, 25/12 Cristian Marchi

Number One Corte Franca (Bs): 20/12 Tujamo + Ema
Stokholma, Andrea Delogu, 25/12 Cristian Marchi

Number One

via Provinciale 1, Corte Franca (Bs) 

info: 3335227902

dalle 23 a tarda notte

Al Number One i party sono sempre imperdibili. Dopo Bob Sinclar, che ha
riempito il club di Corte Franca sabato 13 dicembre, ecco che in console si
alternano altri top dj. Sabato 20 dicembre 2014 i protagonisti in console sono
addirittura 3. Dalla Germania arriva Tujamo, dj producer conosciuto in tutto il
mondo per la qualità dei suoi dischi e dei suoi dj set. Ingresso al Number One
per questo party: 15 euro. Tra i suoi ultimi dischi di successo: Deadmau5 – The
Reward Is Cheese [Tujamo Remix]. In console con lui le belle e bravissime Ema
Stokholma (dj) ed Andrea Delogu (voce). Altro party da non perdere quello del 25
dicembre 2014, quando al mixer arriva Cristian Marchi. Da circa vent’anni
protagonista della scena club italiana e pure di quella europea, in console ha
un sound progressive house che fa saltare e pure cantare. 

ENGLISH Tujamo + Ema Stokholma, Andrea Delogu, 25/12 Cristian Marchi at Number One Corte Franca (Brescia, close to Orio al Serio Airport Milano): on
20/12 the German. Tujamo, on 25/12 the Italian top dj Cristian Marchi.
German-born producer Tujamo, first discovered his passion for music as a teen,
before learning his craft and creating under the moniker, back in 2006. As we
lead on from where he kick-started his sensational career back in his native
homeland, Tujamo’s music delivers a truly unique style, with many attempting to
imitate his oh-so-popular, one-of-a-kind sound. Cristian Marchi has been a key
figure on the European and Italian house scene for about 20 years. His
productions and remixes are supported by some of the most important djs in the
world like David Guetta, Calvin Harris, Dada Life and Bob Sinclar. From Mykonos
to Poland, from Korea to Australia, from France to Spain and obviously in Italy,
Cristian is always on the road and his progressive house makes clubs and
festivals go crazy. Born in Mantova, in the north of Italy, in 1976, he is today
a real phenomenon, a real pro of the mixer who can make hundreds of thousands of
people dance every year…

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from ltc (lorenzo tiezzi comunicazione) +39 339 3433962  photo hi res –
